Join & Support Your
Bartow County Republican Party
Join the Bartow GOP
Change takes action!
Every penny raised goes toward the advancement of liberty and the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.
The Bartow County Republican Party is the county affiliate of the Georgia Republican Party, but we receive no funding from either the national or state parties. Your contributions help us fulfill our mission of electing conservative Republicans and getting out the vote in Bartow County.
Bartow GOP Guidelines
Article I
Name, Purpose, and Function
This organization shall be known and referred to as the Bartow County Republican Party. B. PURPOSE, The purpose of the Bartow County Republican Party shall be to develop, foster, advance, and perpetuate the principles of the Republican Party, to support and otherwise do all within its power to ensure the election of all Republican nominees for public office whose name appears on the general election and any special election or other regular election ballots in Bartow County. C. FUNCTION, The Bartow County Republican Party, consisting of its members, shall serve as the central and unified authority and representative body of the Republican platform and policies within Bartow County. It shall function to assist and endeavor to develop, implement, encourage, educate, and create Republican principles within Bartow County; and it shall strive to recruit and elect qualified Republican candidates to every available public office.
Article II
Membership and Participation
A. Qualifications for Membership Membership in the party shall be open to all legal and qualified registered voters residing within Bartow County who subscribe to the principles of the Republican Party and its platform. B. Membership Dues and Rights The Executive Committee shall establish membership fees and terms for membership in the Bartow County Republican Party. The Executive Committee shall also establish, in accordance with the Rules of the Bartow County Republican Party, rights and responsibilities of Party Members. Active Membership shall refer to members who are actively involved in party activities, attend party meetings and functions, and are in good standing with membership dues. Qualifications for Participation in Party Actions: All qualified voters under the laws of the State of Georgia, who were eligible and voted in the last two (2) Republican primaries, not counting Presidential Preference Primaries, and are in accord with the principles of the Republican Party, believe in its declaration of policy, are in sympathy with its aims and purposes, and are active members of the party may participate in mass meetings, conventions and primaries in their respective jurisdictions. Exemption to the "Two Primary" rule may be granted prior to participation by the majority vote of the County Committee. All chairmen and members of committees, delegates to conventions and voters in mass meetings, provided for in these rules, shall be active members of the Republican Party as defined above, and must be qualified, registered, resident electors of the respective units that they represent as officers, members, and delegates. Members of the Executive Committee shall attend a minimum of 30% of all activities and 75% of all Executive Committee Meetings. D. Publication of Qualifications The qualifications for participation in the Georgia Republican Party shall be published in all official calls for mass meetings and conventions as herein stated and as may hereafter be prescribed by the State Committee and pursuant to the Rules and Call of the Republican National Convention.
Article III
Organization of County Committees
Election of Officers The officers of the Bartow County Committee, with the exception of the General Counsel, and Parliamentarian, shall be elected by the Bartow County Republican Convention. They shall begin their term at the adjournment of the Convention and hold office for two (2) years or until successors are duly elected and qualified, unless sooner removed in accordance with State Rules. Members of the Board of Elections are elected to a term of four (4) years as defined by Georgia law. The General Counsel and Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the Chairman with the consent of the Committee and serve at the pleasure of the Committee. Boards and Committees The Bartow County Republican Party shall have within it two (2) standing permanent committees: 1. The County Committee There shall be a committee officially known as the Bartow County Republican Committee, which shall be the governing body of the Republican Party of Bartow County and shall consist of the following officers and members. 1. County Chairman who shall serve as Chairman of the County Committee. 2. First Vice-Chairman/Director of Events 3. Vice-Chairman for Communications 4. Vice-Chairman for Membership and Fundraising 5. Secretary 6. Treasurer 7. Assistant Treasurer 8. Immediate Past County Chairman (if willing) 9. All Precinct Chairmen 10. Members of the Board of Elections 11. General Counsel 12. Parliamentarian 13. Any officer or committee member of the National, State or District committee as long as they reside in Bartow County and are an Active Member. 14. All Republican, State, County, and City elected office holders elected as Republicans, residing in Bartow County if they are Active Members. This includes both officials elected as Republicans and Republican Party members elected in non-partisan elections as long as they have been either a delegate or an alternate in the last four (4) years and are an Active Member. 15. All Federal elected office holders elected as Republicans residing in Bartow County shall serve as Ex-Officio members of the County Committee if they are Active Members. The positions of Vice Chair of Events, Vice Chair of Fundraising, and Corresponding Secretary may be appointed as separate positions by the County Chairman at such time as candidates have presented themselves for service. Upon confirmation by a vote of the County Committee under the “Filling Vacancies in Office” rule, these positions will be afforded voting privileges. However, if these positions become vacant there will be no requirement to fill the position. 2. Executive Committee The membership of the Bartow County Republican Executive Committee hereinafter referred to as the Executive Committee shall consist of the following: 1. County Chairman 2. First Vice-Chairman/Director of Events 3. Vice-Chairman for Communications 4. Vice-Chairman for Membership and Fundraising 5. Recording Secretary 6. Treasurer 7. Assistant Treasurer/Corresponding Secretary C. Voting Rights All members of the committee shall have voting rights with the exception of appointed members, General Counsel, Parliamentarian, and members of Article III, Section B-1-15. D. Filling Vacancies in Offices In the event of death, resignation, or removal from office of any of the officers of the County Committee elected at the County Convention, the Executive Committee shall elect a successor by a majority vote of a quorum present, except in the event of replacing a County Chairman in which the County Committee shall elect a successor. In the event of a vacancy in the position of Chairman of the County Committee, the First Vice-Chairman shall automatically serve as acting Chairman until such time as the County Committee shall elect a successor. E. Removal of Officers or Committee Members Any officer may be removed for cause in accordance with State Rules. “Cause” as used herein, shall include, but not be limited to, continued failure to perform their duties or participate in the affairs of the Party, or conduct detrimental to the best interest of the Party, all as may be determined by the aforesaid vote of the County Committee. F. Procedure for Removal of Officers or Committee Members 1. Complaint: Written Complaint shall be submitted to the Secretary of the County Committee. Upon receipt thereof, the Secretary shall transmit the same to the County Chairman; in the event of his disqualification, to the next appropriate executive officer. The executive officer receiving the complaint shall maintain control of further proceedings to their conclusion unless prevented by Providential causes. 2. Notice and Hearing: The Secretary shall provide notice, with a copy of charges, a certificate of service, and a hearing date set no earlier than thirty-two (32) days, to the individual(s) charged. Notice shall be sent to all voting members of the County Committee of the date of said hearing. The failure to attend said hearing, unless Providentially hindered, shall authorize a default judgment. Providential hindrance shall authorize setting aside a default judgment and permit a continuance to another date upon petition by defendant. Excepting Providential cause, failure to attend such hearing by any County Committee member shall be cause for removal from office. All final decisions shall be decided by a 2/3 vote of a quorum. G. Quorum and Proxies A majority of the voting members of the County Committee in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The members of the County Committee may be represented in all official matters by proxies subject to the following condition: Any officer of the Committee may direct his proxy only to another member of the County Committee, and no member may vote more than three (3) proxies. H. Meetings of the County Committee and Executive Committee The County Committee shall meet at least twice during a calendar year to hold a legally constituted meeting. At no time shall more than one hundred and five (105) calendar days pass between legally constituted meetings of the Executive Committee, with no less than four meetings per year being called. Committees may utilize all forms of technology to conduct and call said meetings. These forms may include any secure technology with a 2/3 vote from said committee. A legally constituted meeting of the County Committee and Executive Committee must meet all of the following requirements: 1. A majority of the Committee must be present in person or by proxy. 2. At least seven (7) days prior written notice must have been provided to every officer and member of the Committee. 3. Said written notice must have been issued over the signature of the County Chairman or over the signature of the County Secretary with the written approval of the County Chairman or over the signatures of at least five (5) officers and/or members of the Committee. 4. Said written notice must contain, in the same envelope or E-mail, a proper proxy form. I. Duties of the County Executive Committee 1. The Executive Committee shall execute the duties assigned to it by the County Committee and report the results to the County Committee for consideration. the following requirements: 1. A majority of the Committee must be present in person or by proxy. 2. At least seven (7) days prior written notice must have been provided to every officer and member of the Committee. 3. Said written notice must have been issued over the signature of the County Chairman or over the signature of the County Secretary with the written approval of the County Chairman or over the signatures of at least five (5) officers and/or members of the Committee. 4. Said written notice must contain, in the same envelope or E-mail, a proper proxy form. I. Duties of the County Executive Committee 1. The Executive Committee shall execute the duties assigned to it by the County Committee and report the results to the County Committee for consideration.
Article IV
Duties of County Committee Members
A. County Chairman The County Chairman shall be the chief executive officer of the County Committee. He shall preside at all meetings of the County Committee. In the absence of a Precinct Chairman, the County Chairman shall appoint a presiding officer for the various precinct mass meetings. He shall preside as Chairman of the County Convention until a Convention Chairman is elected by the convened Convention. B. First Vice-Chairman/Director of Events The First Vice-Chairman/Director of Events shall act for the County Chairman in his absence, and upon his death, resignation, or removal from office, until the County Committee can elect a successor. Additionally, they shall serve as the events coordinator of any official events held or sponsored by the Bartow County Republican Party. C. Secretary The Secretary shall keep the minutes and record of the County Committee and Executive Committee, and shall serve as secretary of the County Convention until a Convention Secretary is elected by the convened Convention and shall keep record of the proceedings of each County Convention. Additionally, he/she shall serve as official communicator of information to committee members. D. Treasurer The Treasurer shall be custodian of the County Party funds and shall keep full and accurate account of all money and property received and disbursed. These funds shall only be disbursed as authorized by the County Committee. Any two (2) of the following shall sign checks drawn on Party's accounts: Chairman, First Vice-Chairman, Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer. An expenditure reimbursement approval form also shall be signed by any (2) of these same officers prior to disbursement of funds. E. Assistant Treasurer The Assistant Treasurer shall have duties assigned by the County Treasurer. The Assistant Treasurer shall act for the County Treasurer in his absence, and upon his death, resignation or removal from office, until the County Committee can elect a successor. F. Vice-Chairman for Membership & Fundraising The Vice-Chairman for Membership & Fundraising shall be responsible for maintaining the membership list, recruitment of new members and ensuring all membership benefits are maintained and issued, and shall coordinate all County fund-raising activities. G. Vice-Chairman for Communications The Vice-Chairman for Communications shall coordinate all media attention for the purpose of obtaining positive publicity for the party and Republican Candidates. The Vice-Chairman for Communications shall also be responsible for effective communication of party activities and information among party members. H. General Counsel The General Counsel shall provide legal representation and advice as appropriate. He shall serve as Parliamentarian and shall rule as to questions that might arise at Conventions and official meetings pertaining to the rules by which said situations are governed. He shall be responsible for providing a copy of County Rules, District Rules, State Rules and Robert's Rules of Order at all official meetings. I. Members of the Board of Elections Members of the Board of Elections shall serve on the local Board of Elections in accordance with and as prescribed by Georgia laws. They shall represent the interests of the Republican Party for the purpose of ensuring free, fair and legal elections. J. Restriction on Endorsements by Executive Committee members Members of the Bartow Republican Party Executive Committee shall not use their official title in any manner in connection with their support of any candidate for the Republican nomination for any public office in the State of Georgia in primaries where there is at least one other Republican candidate. K. Anti-Nepotism Policy At no time shall more than one member of a family (defined as parents, spouses, children or immediate siblings) serve as members of the Bartow Republican Party Executive Committee simultaneously.
Article V
General Rules
A. Amendment of Rules These Rules may be amended at any Bartow County Republican Convention by majority vote or by the County Committee by two-thirds (2/3) vote of its members present at any properly constituted meeting, after due notice of such intention has been served on all members thereof in the call of such meeting. B. Subjugation to State Rules These Rules as adopted for The Bartow County Republican Party shall not be inconsistent with Rules of the Republican Party of Georgia. The Rules of the Republican Party of Georgia shall control when in conflict with these Rules. C. Rules of Order Except as modified by these Rules or State Rules, Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of meetings and conventions. D. Gender At all times, gender terms used shall constitute both the masculine and feminine gender. E. Effective Date These Rules shall become effective upon their adoption. F. Candidate for Office Anyone wanting to run as a Republican needs to be a member, sign the Republican Oath, should agree and seek the same goals as the Republican Party, be active in their membership, answer the executive board’s questionnaire, and be interviewed by the executive board, or persons the board appoints to committee. If the committee finds this potential candidate to not be a Republican, they should inform them of this, the why, and let them understand there will be limited support to no endorsement prior to their qualifying so they may consider party choice more closely. All candidate questionnaires and interviews shall be published on the official Web site of the Bartow County Republican Party within ten (10) business days following the end of qualifications for candidacy and shall remain published through the election certification of the office the candidate is seeking by the Board of Elections or Secretary of State.